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Handwriting Without Tears®

"Take pains to write a neat round, plain hand, and you will find it a great convenience through life to write a small and compact hand as well as a fair and legible one." ~ Thomas Jefferson

A Few Reasons to Choose Handwriting Without Tears

  • Children who have mastered handwriting are better, more creative writers

  • HWT uses developmentally appropriate, multisensory tools and strategies

  • Handwriting Without Tears® and Get Set for School® have been nationally recognized for excellence in helping children develop a love of learning

Before & After
Student Improvement Example_edited.jpg

One of my students. This is his improvement in one year with some online and some in-person instruction.

Read more about it these links:

Learning Without Tears logo.  Black and white clip art on blue background.  Boy smiles, points up.
Two photos of black male 4 or 5 year old child using the wet-dry-try method to write the letter B.

What I Offer

  • Handwriting instruction K-5

  • Print and Cursive

  • Screening or a full assessment of handwriting difficulties

  • Remediation for children struggling to write their letters

Picture of Mat Man with the Kick Start Kindergarten book from Handwriting Without Tears.
Click to visit website
Before drawing example for a child who was then given the Mat Man person drawing lesson.
After drawing example for a child who was then given the Mat Man person drawing lesson.

Mat Man (above) helps children identify and visualize the parts of their bodies in space.  We can build him with the wood pieces (and a few little extras).  Children's drawings of people improve right away! (See the before and after?  That was before and after the Mat Man lesson!)  Click on Mat Man to see his video on YouTube.

Liber Class funny_edited.jpg

Source for facts and images: Handwriting Without Tears website, 2017.


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